Jose Angel Manaiza Jr
5 min readJan 11, 2024


Monique Ferster

1.Ms. Ferster tell us about your extraordinary journey to become the woman you are today?

I am lucky to have grown up in Australia one of the most beautiful, safe and affluent countries in the world.

I always had an active lifestyle, good education, travelled a lot and was socially engaged.

I studied business and counselling in my university years and did not feel entirely fulfilled afterwards when working in the corporate world.

In my early 20’s I struggled with my mental wellbeing, my parents provided me with a support network that made me stronger and allowed me to discover other modalities such as group fitness, yoga, therapy, meditation for my recovery- it’s how I got into fitness. After my passion was ignited, I decided to study fitness professionally and make a career of it.

Having cut my teeth as a personal trainer in LA and New York this fortified my experience and allowed me to have exposure to the most cutting-edge fitness innovation.

I love making new connections, adapting to the times from MFit Studio to Virtual to rooftops and continually immersing myself in the industry. I always wanted to make a difference and now I know how!

2. Who influenced you the most growing up?

My father has always had a significant influence over me coming from an entrepreneurial business background gave me a natural set of skills to persevere in business, think big and navigate adversity. My father had an abseiling accident and almost lost his leg during his rehabilitation and till this day he cannot stop emphasizing the importance of the right exercise to keep the body and mind functioning.

My first boss entrusted me with incredible opportunities in the corporate health space who I reached out to on a whim.

From one day to the next I was teaching 20 people + in corporate classes and managing wellness centres at many reputable clients. He taught me about building relationships, to think strategically and how to stay motivated as a fitness professional.

Over my career several clients inspired me with their experience and dedication to my training programs which saw for many great success stories.

I enjoyed learning from them, seeing the transformations and special bonds we developed along the way.

3. What advice would you give to young girls who want to follow in your footsteps?

I would say always be open to trying new things and do what you’re passionate about.

Engage with your community, stay positive, build a supportive network of mentors and like-minded people.

Keep putting yourself out there in different environments you never know where an opportunity arises!

Don’t be too hard on yourself but always be open to feedback and if something doesn’t work out keep going as you only learn from your mistakes, resilience is key.

It is okay to let go of what is not serving you this can open space for many great things.

Stay focused and present, the sky’s the limit.

4. What is your vision in the next 5 years?

I’ve developed my own unique style of training compatible with women’s bodies called MFit Method which I hope to bring to more people around the world.

I’d also love a global role as a fitness leader in the corporate sector and to bring more fitness initiatives to employees by partnering with big brands on employee wellness programs.

I love the retreat space and have some exciting plans for the new year.


Monique Ferster (MFit )

Website- www.mfittraining.com

Instagram- @mfit_training

Monique Ferster (MFit) is a vibrant Australian fitness expert, internationally qualified master trainer and Pilates instructor with enormous passion for the health and wellness space. She is known for her success in inspiring, motivating and delivering results driven fitness programs across the globe.

Monique has an extensive background in the fitness industry with over a decade of experience training private clients, developing and implementing corporate health programs for network television, Qantas, Microsoft, and Universal Music to name a few.

Her enthusiasm, diligence and drive lead her to Los Angeles where she lived and breathed in the world of fitness for five years only fuelling her passion and commitment to helping countless clients transform and achieve desired results.

The MFit method was born after training with the likes of Hot Pilates Shannon Nadj and Tracy Anderson in the LA fitness bubble.

The MFit Method is a result driven workout that is a fusion of aerobic exercises, weights, and Pilates to build a lean physique and deep strength.

The method became particularly popular for young mothers and corporate woman.

Monique tapped into a niche during covid where she pivoted her business to suit the changing environment. After an Instagram post Monique received calls left right and centre for training at her local studio. Gyms were closed and people were looking for a boutique safe effective training experience.

Switching to virtual from MFit studio workouts saw an immense growth in local and US clientele.

She most recently led a rooftop Pilates series at one of Sydney’s most iconic hotels overlooking the harbor.

Monique loves to share her knowledge through enthusiastic and supportive techniques with proven results.

Visit her official website www.mfittraining.com and follow @mfit_training.

A Word from Monique:

“Exercise is medicine, one of the most powerful tools to make us feel better, get stronger physically and mentally”





Jose Angel Manaiza Jr

Known as The Tutor To The Stars from Malibu to Beverly Hills. Mr. Manaiza is knighted by the order of St John Russian Grand Priory (OSJ) in New York City.