1. What was your journey to success as a weight loss and fitness coach?
My personal journey is similar to other successful women: I had to hit bottom with my weight and health, and only then, did I experience a real commitment to changing my life! There’s a saying, you need to experience a BREAKDOWN BEFORE YOU CREATE A BREAKTHROUGH!
My home life was very difficult, and at school I faced even more social challenges. I ended up finding comfort in food and used to weigh twenty pounds more than I do now. I know that might not sound like a lot to some of you, but the pain and shame were real for me.
I hated the way I looked. I had to diet every time I knew I was going to be photographed or seen on the beach. It was frustrating and exhausting, I felt like a failure and a fraud. I was sabotaging my own hard work in the gym by overeating.
Once I finally realized my early traumas made me turn to food for comfort, I sought professional help, created new habits, and thus, retrained my brain to think positively, think thin, and the result manifested in my new healthy body, mind and spirit. Now it’s my turn to help others transform their lives.
So now I ask my clients, have you bottomed out? Ready to break through and soar!! For this reason, having a life coaching certification is essential to my practice, because there is a huge emotional-eating component to weight loss that must be uncovered before permanent weight loss is possible.
2. Lisa, what would be your top 3 tips to lose weight?
Wake up and drink a warm or hot glass of water with lemon. It starts your day right!
I love drinking a glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning. I love this way to get my body going. It is centuries-old wisdom. The benefits of drinking hot water with lemon when you first wake up are endless. Warm water with lemon first thing in the morning on an empty stomach helps lubricate all your internal systems. Lemon is also a great source of vitamin C, and a plethora of other nutrients. This routine is a great way of flushing out toxins in the morning because it balances and maintains the pH levels in the body, reduces pain and inflammation in joints, and helps nourish the brain and nerve cells.
2. Portion control is an easy way to begin (as long as you get enough protein). Most people have lost and regained weight many times. Why? They go on a very strict food regime that’s so different from their regular life style that they wind up “cheating” and feeling badly that they cheated, and so they eat even more. In fact, it’s been proven that 95% of dieters report they’ve gained the weight back and more. It’s behavioral change that sets you up for weight loss success. Many people, especially over 40 or 50 are more successful by just reducing their PORTIONS rather than eliminating all the foods they enjoy. After this, I customize a plan for every client. One last tip that my clients have found makes a big difference: track your food, calories, and activity. Why? It keeps you accountable to yourself and, for my clients, this data is extremely helpful to me as their weight loss coach, data is important! There’s a free app I recommend to my clients. It’s called and so easy to use. Clients who use it say it’s become a habit.
3. Take yourself off the hook! Every time you begin to criticize yourself for not doing enough, not doing more, not doing better, replace the thought with an encouraging one. This may sound totally contradictory to my first two tips which are all about taking action and changing your behavior. But the idea of taking yourself off the hook — by that I mean, applaud and be very proud of taking baby steps towards your goal. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day! When you’re running a marathon, you take the little strides every day. When you start to see positive changes, it will give you the juice to keep going. It may be a number on a scale, or it may be just a feeling of more energy. Possibly, you see you are a little leaner, your clothes are feeling a little less snug, and your craving for fatty, greasy food is going away.
So, for example, I tell my new clients to increase your movement every day, just start moving, even it’s walking your dog. Then I customize a more rigorous exercise plan for each client.
One more thing! For those of you who have read this far, here’s my free easy-to-use and delicious (and gluten free) COOKBOOK (
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Lisa G is a world-renowned Los Angeles-based weight-loss coach and fitness expert transforming local and global client’s lives. Certified in life coaching, lifestyle and weight management and Spinning. Graduate of the UCLA Personal Training Program Lisa also studies fitness yoga.
Proudest accomplishment: popular fitness DVD “Skinny Jeans Workout,” which was sold in Target and voted in the top ten in-home workouts in Life & Style magazine. After 20+ years of working as a fitness and wellness professional in the Los Angeles area,
Lisa G is a top-ranking and sought-after expert as the author of the best-selling publication The Boss Weight Loss where she reveals her integrated, research-based, and easy to use approach to better health and fitness. Lisa G is especially known for her successful work with women and men over 40- 50 years old, encouraging them to live the best version of themselves, improve their overall health and stress levels, and lead more joyful lives.